Is My Work About Me, or About My Students?
This is a topic that I have been thinking about for a long time, probably ever since I started teaching. It's tricky, because talking...
Cultivating Your Visionary Message
Your vision is only as strong as your clear message. How you share, talk about, write and communicate your message will insure it's...
The Visionary's Toolkit: Strategy & Problem-Solving
One of the toughest tasks a visionary person can undertake is to 'walk their vision'. Walking your vision is the process of bringing...
Need Some Earth Skills in 2016? I've got them!
I was down in our basement, looking for a box of holiday decorations, and I found a box of 22 copies of my Earth Skills Correspondence...
And You Know It Don't Come Easy.
I saw this post on Facebook today, and it penetrated especially deep, due to some of the reading I have been checking out in the past few...